Din - Hela


There is no one exactly like Nina Belavidorico on our grid in Second Life, nor maybe in fact our planet. She is  hero to me for the kindness, love and support she shows, and her tireless dedication to making the worlds better and more beautiful places. She succeeds in this both by her very existence, and by lighting up the world of Second Life with her beautiful creations through her brand Din. I am lucky enough to get to model her clothes and to call her a friend. Hela is her contribution to this round of Dubai (20th October - 10th November 2022). Look at this outfit, it is amazing and sexy, running up and down one's body is gentle, but very intent filled strokes, it wraps up all of your parts that may need to be covered on an M-rated sim, but leaves no mistake that you are daring, sexy and filled with a power. It draws eyes to you. It lifts you up and takes someone already beautiful and confident to a whole new place. It is rigged for all the main bodies and very customizable. 

Six luxurious colors and two metal colors. In the FP only, mix and match the colors across the parts of this 100% original mesh beauty. It is a creation that left me breathless and begging for more. Oh... did I not mention it comes with horns? It does and they are excellent. It is Rigged for Legacy/Perky, Maitreya Lara, Reborn/Juicy, Erika, and Kupra. Get your sexy self over to Dubai and try this on.


Afterwards why not stop in on Din and check out all the other sexy looks. 



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