Din Double Feature - Arya and Emily


I wanted to revist a few things, maybe feeling a little nostalgic, and these two dresses by Din, Arya and Emily were the perfect couple to accompany me on my trip back to Laura's Beach at Lynchland. Above is Arya, a very beautiful sheer dress, paired up with undergarments that can make the dress safe to wear out, or, as I often do, go with out them and be a bit more daring. Arya gives you options. The beautiful dress can be as daring as almost completely nude, or fairly safe, the sheer fabric runs itself over my tummy in a way I love. it is lovely and an absolute classic.

The dress is rigged for Legacy and Maitreya Lara. It comes in 7 lovely textures and the fatpack makes it easy to mix and match all parts.  I went with a classic white look here, as per my normal. This 100% original mesh creation is 349L per color, or 1900 for the fatpack.


On the way back up the path from the beach, I had to turn and look back down at the beautiful scene there, so in a new dress, Emily by Din as well, I turned back one more time and looked upon one of the most beautiful places, wearing one of the most beautiful dresses I own. Emily's open sides leave a fair amont of hip and butt curve exposed. This dress will make you more confident, it is that sexy. It will make  a shy girl feel like the beautiful goddess she is, and will announce to the world that any woman is here and is a thing of beauty all on her own, the dress calls it out for you before you say hello to anyone.

Emily has 7 great colors and 7 metal colors as well, which reflect in the necklace worn here and included. The single color dresses can be customized via HUD to have the metal colors. The singles come at 349L a piece and the fatpack is 1900. This Dress is also rigged for Legacy and Maitreya Lara.

These two dresses and so many more are available at the beautiful Din mainstore, check back tomorrow for one of the newest releases from Din.



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