Deep Static - Meredith


Deep Static consistenly make beautiful things that increase the quality, look, and feel of my Second Life. The all new Meredith glasses are hot. The 100% original mesh, style and insane number of options that all represent what Deep Static means to me. I wear mine throughout the day, into sunset, and all night as I am wander the beaches of the grid. I am a sucker for a good hud, and this one has it all.

Fifteen frame textures, with eleven frame transparency levels, five metal options for the frame detail with fifteen surrounding gemstone colors available, and twelve frame textures with eleven possible transparency level all add up to over 1.6 million different unique possibilities. One million six hundred thousand. Tht is an astronomical amount of options to fit your styles and looks. The resizer built into the same HUD makes fitting them to you easy. All of this included value for only 299L. Meredith is exclusively at the current round of Cosmopolitan which runs from 22 August through 3 September.

Hop on over and grab a pair now.


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